One of my primary goals in starting this blog was to connect more effectively with more of my family and friends. The cost, in making a more public communication, was to make a less personal communication. I hoped that would be an acceptable tradeoff, so that I could reach more people. I've received very little feedback or response, and most of that from someone I try to correspond with regularly anyway. So I wonder if my time and energy won't be better spent in some other endeavor.
Frankly, I'm disappointed in my ability to elicit a response, and discouraged by my failure to create a dialogue. It seems that either I've got no readers, or else my writing doesn't strike a chord. In either case, again, my energy is probably better spent elsewhere.
So I think I'll take a little time and consider whether my goals and intentions for the blog can be adjusted to a strictly one-way communication - a sort of public processing of my emotional turmoil, tossed blindly into the ether - or whether to close it down and seek connection on a more personal level. Perhaps by making more visits to my therapist.
I guess it all depends on what the blog is to YOU...
Not what you want the blog to be for OTHERS...
what is this for you?
if it's nothing to you, then leaving it would be easy.
if it's something to you, it could be really important.
that's all..ha.
Yup. That's the question, and it's one I don't have a good answer for, yet. It takes time and energy from other activities, but is rewarding in a sense. So, we'll see.
I know what you mean Seda. My blog does not get much traffic either. Then again, you write a lot more than I do. Just keep it up. Like Ashes to life says, it can be better for you to write and get what you are thinking on the inside to the outside.
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